History of PBS
Positive Behavior Support (PBS) is a positive, pro-active, team-based, school-wide skill-building and prevention model for teaching and learning of successful student behaviors, and which supports the creation and sustaining of safe, respectful and effective school learning environments. Through clearly defining, teaching, and reinforcing our Rosedale Raptors "3 to BE!" Positive Behavior Expectations with all our students, emphasis is placed on the development of pro-social skills and positive behaviors, as well as the prevention of and constructive response to problem behaviors.
PBS is a research-based program, originally developed by the University of Oregon, and now used in thousands of schools across the country and hundreds of schools in Michigan. The Michigan Department of Education created an initiative in 2006 for all Michigan schools to develop and implement a system of school-wide positive behavior support strategies. Rosedale was proud to launch our PBS program in February of 2009, as one of the first LPS schools to take on a school-wide PBS program.
Rosedale staff have continued each year to be committed to this program, teaching and supporting our students in making positive behavior choices. We've also been proud and grateful that our efforts have been supported by an annual PBS Grant from Wayne County RESA that has helped to further enhance and expand our PBS program.
The Rosedale Raptors "3 to BE" clearly and specifically define that we expect RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE and SAFE behavior from all our students, at all times, and in all settings of our school. Through a variety of methods, Rosedale administrative, teaching and support staff teach and reinforce our students' "3 to BE" behavior choices.
In 2016, Livonia Public Schools launched it's district-wide "Community with Character Initiative", which identified eight Character Elements to be taught to all LPS students, grades K -12. Although our 3 to BE! are still the foundation of our PBS program at Rosedale, our staff then decided to blend our 3 BE's with the eight LPS Character Elements to create our Rosedale 9 Character Traits (2 were the same so they overlapped). These are now:
BE Respectful, BE Responsible, BE Safe, Empathy, Confidence, Reflection, Integrity, Mindfulness and Grit. We focus on one each month for targeted teaching school-wide, with our 3 BE's always as our core.
The specific descriptions of Rosedale's 3 to BE! expectations can be found on posters on the bulletin board outside the EST room, as well as in the parent brochure that we send home at the start of each year. These define what Respectful, Responsible and Safe behaviors look like in the classroom, halls, lunchroom, bathrooms, library, gym, on the playground, on the bus, etc.
During our daily morning announcements and weekly Celebrate Monday morning assemblies, led by our principal, students recite our Rosedale Raptor 3 to BE! Pledge to review our 3 BE's. Teachers' daily classroom behavior management and parent communication systems (calendars and/or DoJo) also support our positive behavior expectations.
The involvement and support of our students' parent(s), is a crucial piece of our successful PBS program at Rosedale. Research has proven that the more that school and home work together as a cooperative TEAM, the more likely students will make positive behavior choices and have a successful school experience. When parents use the 3 BE's language and discuss both positive successes and problem behaviors at home with their child(ren), it actively demonstrates to them that they support the teachers, staff and administrator in our cooperative effort to promote a safe and effective learning environment for every student.
As staff, we greatly appreciate this support of our students' parents. Thank you!